Dilapidation Report explained
What is a dilapidation report?
A dilapidation inspection is conducted by an independent third party to prevent any conflict of interest between affected parties. The report provides a written and photographic record of existing conditions of the property, both exterior and interior, prior to the commencement of construction works on the adjoining property. It outlines any existing cracking and damage so you have a benchmark against which to gauge any changes that may have occurred as a result of construction work.
Dilapidation Reports should be agreed upon and signed by all affected parties before building work commences.
Protect yourself from possible disputes with your neighbours
When you are carrying out construction or building work there is the chance that issues might arise, such as cracking, leaking or deterioration in properties adjoining your own. This could be due to vibration from heavy equipment or excavation work for example. Your local Council may also request a survey covering areas beyond the building site, such as footpaths, kerbs and roads. You would need to repair any damage to these areas that might result from your project. The dilapidation report must specify the exact location and extent of any damaged infrastructure prior to the commencement of any work. You would need to repair any damage to these areas that might result from
your project.
Australian Property Building Inspections (APBI) recommends that a dilapidation report be prepared for the following reasons:
- To capture the pre-existing condition of a property before construction work begins on a new building, renovation or refurbishment.
- To help protect the builder before construction against any litigation issues.
- To help protect the owner of the property before construction or excavation work.
- To resolve any claims straight away, with reference to your photographic evidence.
- To avoid expensive disputes or possibly legal proceedings.
Australian Property Building Inspections (APBI) can carry out house inspections for you and compile our comprehensive Dilapidation Reports that provides a written and photographic record of any existing cracking or deterioration, so you have a benchmark against which to gauge any changes. APBI can also carry out a final inspection once the works have been completed so that any variations can be identified.
Book your Dilapidation Report today by calling us today on 1300 657 546